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Manage Katalon Licenses

After purchasing Katalon Studio Enterprise and/or Katalon Runtime Engine licenses, you can attribute, transfer, and remove granted licenses from Katalon TestOps.

  • You must be the Owner or Admin of your Organization to access the License Management page. For further details on roles and user management, see: User Management.

View the license information

You can verify the subscription information and view all license information by following these steps:

  1. Sign in to Katalon TestOps.

  2. Go to Settings > License Management.

    The License Management page appears.

  3. Select a Katalon product. For example, Katalon Studio Enterprise (per-User).

    The page displays as below.

    licenses page

    • In the Subscription Details section, you can see the following information:

      • Subscribed Licenses: the total number of licenses you have purchased, also known as your license quota.
      • Available Licenses: the remaining licenses you can use.

        • Licenses attributed online, as well as offline licenses you have generated, are substracted from your license quota.
      • Machine Quota: the maximum number of machines that can be registered with your licenses.
      • Expiry Date: the date when your licenses expire.
    • In the Licensed Users section, you can add users for license usage. You can also view a list of users you have added for license usage.

    • In the Online Licenses section, you can see a list of active machine IDs (users who are currently using the licenses online).

    • In the Offline Licenses section, you can see a list of machine IDs bound to offline licenses.

    • In the Registered Machines section, you can see a list of all machine IDs that are using either types of licenses.

  • Contact us at if you need further help with your licenses.

Grant a license

You can assign licenses to users. See Grant Katalon Licenses.

Once you have assigned a license successfully, users can follow this activation guide: Activate Katalon License.

Remove a license

You can remove a Licensed User, a machine ID, or a license from a machine ID. See Remove a License.

Transfer a license

After activation, the licenses are bound to your user account until their expiry dates, or until they are reassigned to another user account. You can still remove the licenses or transfer them manually.

To transfer a KSE per-User license, you need to:

  1. Remove a license. See Remove a License.
  2. Add the new user in the Licensed Users section. See: Grant Katalon Licenses.

For KRE, one session will reserve one license. You must deactivate the machine ID that reserved that license first. Another user can then use KRE and take over the license.

For example, if the KRE license is bound to your machine ID because you have run KSE using KRE. You must deactivate your machine ID so that the other member in your organization can use the KRE license.

Transfer the KRE license to another machine

All licensed Users in an Organization can use available KRE licenses by default once the Organization has purchased the KRE licenses.

Licensed Users activate a KRE license by running KSE with KRE. After activation, their machine ID is then added to the Online Licenses section. This license is then reserved for their use.

Therefore, to make a KRE license available when all licenses are reserved, a machine ID has to be deactivated.

To deactivate a machine ID, see: Remove a registered machine ID.