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Create an organization and project

To use Katalon Platform, you need to set up an account to manage your Katalon subscriptions, and an organization to manage your Katalon teams and projects.

By default, TestOps creates an account, an organization, and a project when you first sign up.

This document shows you how to manually create an organization and project in Katalon Platform.

Create an organization

You need a Katalon account. Register for a Katalon account if you don't have one.

By creating an organization, team members can collaborate across several projects instantly.

You can also join any other organization you are invited to.

Follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Katalon TestOps.
    The TestOps Homepage appears with the current organization.
  2. Click on the dropdown button on the top left and select Create new Organization.
    Create a new organization in the TestOps homepage.
  3. In the welcome page, enter the name for your new organization.
    Create an organization in Katalon Platform page.
  4. Click Create.
You are directed to your new organization's home page. Confirmation page shows that you've made an organization.

Create a new project in TestOps

This section details how you create a new project in TestOps.

  • You are the administrator or owner of the organization.
To create a new project in Katalon TestOps, do as follows:
  1. Go to TestOps > Settings > Project Management.
    The Project Management section in the settings menu.
    The Project dashboard appears.
  2. Click on Create Project.
    Create a project in the project dashboard.
  3. Choose your team, then click Next.
    The manage projects page in Katalon TestOps.The Manage Projects page appears.Create a project by inputting a project name.
  4. Enter your project name, then click Create.
A pop-up in the upper right side of the screen confirms that you have successfully created a new project in Katalon TestOps.

Manage an organization

  • You are the administrator or owner of the organization.

This document gives a general overview of how you can manage your organization's information. To begin:
  1. Sign in to Katalon and go to your selected organization by clicking on its name.
    The organizations in your account.
  2. From your organization's home page, click on the Settings icon and choose Organization Management from the dropdown menu.
    Organization Management page from the dropdown menu.
    The Organization Management page appears.The organization management page.
  3. Note:
    • You cannot change your organization ID.

    Here you can edit your organization's information as needed. Under the Organization Profile section, the elements you can change are:
    The organization's iconUpload an icon of your choice that represents your organization. This will replace the acronym that is used by default.
    The organization's nameIn the Name section, input what you want to call your organization. Click Update to apply the change.
  4. Under the Session Timeout section, you can configure how long an open Katalon Studio app with a Katalon Studio Enterprise license can stay inactive before the licensed user is considered idle. Click here to learn more: Transfer ownership to an existing member.

Rename an organization

This document shows you how to rename an organization step by step. To begin:

  • You are the administrator or owner of the organization.

You can assign a custom name to your organization by accessing the Organization Management page.
  1. From your organization's home page, click on the Settings icon and choose Organization Management from the dropdown menu.
    Organization management settings from the menu.
    The Organization Management page appears. The organization management page.
  2. In the Organization Profile section, enter your desired name in the text box labeled Name.
  3. Click on Update to finalize the change.
A green pop-up at the upper-right corner of the screen confirms that the change has been made.

Delete an organization

This document will guide you on the steps necessary to remove your organization's information from the Katalon Platform.

  • You are the administrator or owner of the organization.

CAUTION: This action will permanently delete your organization, projects, licenses and remove all associated teams. Proceed with caution as this cannot be undone.
  1. From the Katalon Platform homepage, click on the Settings icon in the upper right corner of the page.
    The settings icon in Katalon Platform.
  2. Click on Product Utilization, or any other page under the TestOps Admin section.
    The TestOps admin section in Katalon Platform.
  3. Navigate to Account Settings, found in the bottom of the sidebar of the page you were directed to.
    Account settings in Katalon TestOps.The Account Settings page appears.
  4. Click on the Delete Account button. This will permanently delete your organization, projects, licenses, and remove all associated teams.
  5. A pop-up will ask you to confirm your decision by typing your account's name in. Input your account's name and press Delete this account.
    The image portrays the pop-up text for a sample organization named Delete Organization.
You are redirected back to the homepage. Note that it may take some time before your information is removed.

Transfer Ownership

  • You must be the Owner of your Organization.

You may want to transfer ownership in the following circumstances:

  • When you want to change your current email address.
  • When you want to transfer your Organization to another member.

Transfer ownership to a new email address

As an Owner of an Organization, the email address you have registered with Katalon TestOps is bound to your TestOps Organization and becomes a unique ID. You cannot change this unique ID.

If you want to change your email address, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new account using your new email address.
  2. Send an invitation to join the Organization to the new email address. See: Invite users to join an Organization.
  3. Join the Organization as a new user. See: Join TestOps Organizations.
  4. Transfer ownership to the new email address. See: Transfer Ownership.
  5. Delete the old account. See: Remove existing users.

Transfer ownership to an existing member


Follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Katalon TestOps.

  2. Go to Settings > User Management.

    The User Management page appears. You can see a list of active members in the Active Users section.

  3. Mouse over the member you want to select, then click on the Extension icon at the end of the row.

    extension icon click

  4. Select Transfer Owner Role.

    The Transfer Owner Role box pops up as below.

    transfer ownership popup

  5. Check the email address you want to transfer ownership to.

  6. Enter your account's password for authentication.

  7. Click on the red Transfer Owner Role button to finish.

    • You cannot undo this action.

You have transferred the Organization to the selected email address/member.

That member is now the Owner of your Organization. The new Owner has all privileges (including ownership transfering) in the Organization. See: Roles and permissions.

After transfering ownership, your role has automatically become the Admin role.

  • Transferring Organization ownership does not affect Team ownership. The previous Organization Owner maintains Owner permissions for the Teams they have created.