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Activate a Katalon License

In this article, we will guide you through the activation of your Katalon Studio Enterprise (KSE) and Katalon Runtime Engine (KRE) licenses.

  • To learn more about the details of Katalon licenses, see: Types of Licenses.
  • If you are behind a proxy server, before activating Katalon licenses, you need to configure the Authentication proxy settings. To learn more about how to configure a proxy, see Configure Proxy for Authentication.

Activate a Trial License using Katalon Studio

You can activate your trial of Katalon Studio simply by logging in.

From Katalon Studio version 7.0.0 onwards, when you first log in to the Katalon Studio application, the trial license associated with your account is automatically activated and valid for 30 days. Each trial is tied to one Katalon account.
  1. Download and open Katalon Studio.
  2. The Katalon Studio Activation dialog automatically pops up.
    The Katalon Studio activation dialog box.
    1. Enter the email and password you registered with for your Katalon account.
    2. Click Activate.
You are automatically able to use a 30-day trial of both Katalon Studio Enterprise (KSE) and Katalon Runtime Engine (KRE).
  • Once your trial period expires, you need to purchase licenses to continue using KSE and KRE, or you can use the Katalon Studio free license with basic testing features. Learn more about the trial period here: Trial and Free Plans.

Activate a Katalon Studio Enterprise (KSE) license

Log in to your Katalon account in Katalon Studio again to use your enterprise license.

  • The Owner or Admin of your Organization must have assigned a license to your account before doing this step. To see how to do so, read: Grant Katalon Licenses.

  1. Open Katalon Studio.
    1. Note:
      • If you are opening Katalon Studio for the first time, the Katalon Studio Activation dialog automatically pops up.

      The Katalon Studio activation dialog box.
  2. If you are already logged in to a Katalon account in Katalon Studio, then click on the Profile button and select Log out.
    The profile button and the log out option in Katalon Studio.
  3. You are logged out of your account. The Katalon Studio Activation dialog appears.
  4. Log in with the licensed user account's email and password, then click Activate.
You are now using your Katalon Studio Enterprise license. To learn more about it, read: Katalon Studio Enterprise per-user license.

Activate a Katalon Runtime Engine (KRE) license

After the owner or admin of your organization has granted you a KRE license, the license is activated automatically.

To use KRE, you need to authenticate your account with your Katalon API key.

To view your API key, refer to this guide: API Keys.


Activate a license while offline

An offline license needs to be activated before it can be used.

  • A machine ID. To view your machine ID, see How Katalon generates a machine ID.
  • A KSE_<machine_ID>.lic or KRE_<machine_ID>.lic file.
    • To get this license file, provide your machine ID to your organization owner or admin and ask them to grant you an offline license.
    • They can learn how to grant an offline license through this guide: Create an offline license.

Receive your license file from your organization owner or administrator and execute the following steps:
Put your .lic file in its appropriate license folder.
Note that .katalon is a hidden folder. To find the license folder in your computer, search for:
  • Windows: C:\\Users\\<user_name>\\.katalon\\license
  • Linux: /home/<user_name>/.katalon/license
  • • macOS: /Users/<user_name>/.katalon/license

Activate Katalon Studio Enterprise offline

Perform this step only after you have copied your corresponding .lic file to its directory. If you have not yet, read: Activate a license while offline.

Upon opening Katalon Studio for the first time, or while you are logged out, you will automatically be prompted to activate your license.
  1. In the Katalon Studio activation dialog, click Offline Activation. The Katalon Studio Enterprise Activation dialog appears.
    The Katalon Studio activation dialog.
  2. In the License file section, enter the path to your KSE_<machine_ID>.lic file, or click Browse to navigate to your .lic file.
    The Katalon Studio Enterprise activation dialog.
  3. Click Activate.
Katalon Studio Enterprise is ready for use.

Activate Katalon Runtime Engine offline

Determine the correct directory for your license file before executing this step. If you have not yet, read: Activate a license while offline.

Activate KRE offline by:
Putting your KRE_<machine_ID>.lic file in the license folder.
  • To execute multiple sessions in parallel, put multiple license files in the license folder.

Your KRE license is now activated. Every time you start running a test with KRE, KRE automatically verifies that your license file is available and valid.

It should look as the image below.Activating Katalon Runtime Engine offline.

Activate a license with Private Instance


  • Katalon Studio version 8.3.5 onwards.

  • A private instance URL. If you want to learn more about Private Instance, contact our sales team via

Activate a Katalon Studio Enterprise license with Private Instance

Follow these steps:

  1. Open Katalon Studio:
    • If you open Katalon Studio for the first time, the Katalon Studio Activation dialog automatically pops up.

    • If you are already logged in to a Katalon account in Katalon Studio, click on the Profile button and select Log out.

      You are now logged out, and the Katalon Studio Activation dialog appears.

  2. In the Server URL section, input the Private Instance URL used for authentication. For example:

  3. Log in with the licensed user account email and password. Click Activate.

Activate a Katalon Runtime license with Private Instance

To activate a KRE license with Private Instance, pass the Private Instance URL used for authentication to the -serverUrl parameter.

For example:

./katalonc -noSplash -runMode=console -projectPath="/Users/katalon/Downloads/web-visual-testing-samples-master/Web UI Tests with TestOps Vision.prj" -retry=0 -testSuitePath="Test Suites/TS_RegressionTest_With TestOps Vision" -browserType="Chrome" -executionProfile="default" -apiKey=<your-API-key> --config -proxy.auth.option=NO_PROXY -proxy.system.option=NO_PROXY -proxy.system.applyToDesiredCapabilities=true -serverURL=""