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Administrative Roles and Permissions

Katalon Platform​ organizes users into four management levels:

  • Owner: The owner of a team or project has the highest level of permissions. They can manage the team or project, including adding and removing members, and changing member roles. They can also create and delete tests, test suites, and projects.
  • Administrator: The administrator has the next level of permissions. They can create and manage organizations, teams, and projects. They can also add and remove users, and change user roles.
  • Billing Manager: The billing manager is responsible for managing billing for Katalon Platform subscriptions. They can view and download invoices, and change subscription plans.
  • Member: Members have the lowest level of permissions in Katalon Platform. They can view and run tests, but they cannot make changes to the team or project.

For a more specific breakdown of what each role's permissions are, refer to:

View the user roles within an organization

  • You must be the owner, a billing manager, or have administrator rights to do this. If you would like to grant this privilege to a member, see: Change user role.

To view the user roles in your organization, do as follows:
  1. Sign in to Katalon TestOps and go to your project.
    The project Dashboard appears.
  2. Click Settings at the top right corner. From the dropdown menu, click User Management. TestOps User Management
  3. You can see the roles of all users under the Role column. TestOps user roles

Roles and permissions at the team level

A Team is a group of Users working on the same Projects. Only Users can view and access the Team's Projects.

A Team is created by either the Owner or Admins of an Organization. To learn how to create and manage a Team, see: Create and manage a Team

DescriptionIf you create a new Team, you become its Owner by default. Granted by the OwnerThis role is automatically assigned to any person accepting the invitation to join the Team.
PermissionYou have full permission to transfer the Owner role to another team member.The Admin has similar privileges as the Owner but cannot transfer the Team ownership to an existing team member.Users can only monitor the Project's progress.

Roles and permissions at account and organization level

Roles and permissions at account level

  • Members do not have access to administrative features by default. Assign them another role to expand their privileges. To learn how, see: Change user role.

  • The billing manager cannot be added to teams nor projects.

OwnerAdminBilling ManagerMember
User Management
  • Invite users

  • Revoke invitation

  • Assign Account user role

  • Remove Member from Account

  • Transfer ownership

  • Export User Management page

  • Invite users

  • Revoke invitation

  • Assign Account user role

  • Remove Member from Account

  • View User Management page

  • Export User Management page

  • No access

Subscription Management
  • Purchase subscription

  • Upgrade subscription

  • Cancel subscription

  • Get quote

  • No access

  • Purchase subscription

  • Upgrade subscription

  • Cancel subscription

  • Get quote

  • Contact sales

  • No access

Payment Method
  • View payment method

  • Add payment method

  • Delete payment method

  • No access

  • View payment method

  • Add payment method

  • Delete payment method

  • No access

License Management
  • Distribute licenses to Organizations

  • Transfer licenses between Organizations

  • Revoke licenses from Organizations

  • Assign licenses to Member

  • Distribute licenses to Organizations

  • Transfer licenses between Organizations

  • Revoke licenses from Organizations

View License Management page

  • No access

Organization Management
  • Create Organizations

  • Update Organization information

  • Delete Organizations

No accessNo access
  • No access

Account Settings
  • Update Account information

  • Delete Account

No accessNo access
  • No access

Roles and permissions at organization level

  • Members do not have access to administrative features by default. Assign them another role to expand their privileges. To learn how, see: Change user role.

User Management
  • Invite users to Organization

  • Revoke invitation

  • Assign Organization user role

  • Remove Member from Organization

  • Transfer ownership

  • Export User Management page

  • Invite users to Organization

  • Revoke invitation

  • Assign Organization user role

  • Remove Member from Organization

  • Transfer ownership

  • Export User Management page

  • No access

Organization Settings
  • Change Organization information

  • Delete Organization

  • No access

  • No access

License Management
  • Assign licenses to Members

  • Transfer licenses between Members

  • Revoke licenses from Members

  • Assign licenses to Members

  • Transfer licenses between Members

  • Revoke licenses from Member

  • No access

Product Utilization
  • View reports

  • Filter reports

  • Export reports

  • View reports

  • Filter reports

  • Export reports

  • No access

  • If a member receives a checkout link generated by someone else, they can subscribe to and checkout licenses on Katalon Platform. This is only applicable if there is no predefined payment method. See: Katalon License Subscription.