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Configure Jira integration in Katalon Studio

This article shows you how to configure Jira integration in Katalon Studio.


Enable Jira integration in Katalon Studio

To enable Jira integration in a Katalon Studio project , follow these steps:
  1. In Katalon Studio, go to Projects > Settings > Plugins > JIRA.
  2. Select the Enable integration checkbox.
  3. In the Authentication section, fill in the criteria as shown below:
    • Server URL:

      • For Jira Cloud: https://<site_name>
      • For Jira Data Center (Jira Server): https://domain without any trailing parts, for example, /secure. Your server URL for Jira Data Center should have a valid SSL certificate.
    • Username: your username or the registered email of the Atlassian account.

    • Password/API token: The Atlassian Cloud's API token. To learn more about generating API in Atlassian, you can refer to the Atlassian document: Manage Atlassian token for your Atlassian account.Fill in Jira username and password

  4. Click Connect to start the authentication process. A pop-up dialog indicates that the Atlassian account connects successfully.
  5. After successfully authenticating with Jira, all relevant JIRA Projects and Issue Types will be retrieved and displayed under the Submit Options section. You can specify the default project and the default issue type for submission here.
    Default Jira ProjectThe default Jira project to submit tickets.
    Default Jira Issue TypeThe default Jira issue type to create when submitting tickets.
    Use Test Case name as Summary for Jira ticketTo use the test case name as a summary for submitted tickets.
    Attach Screenshot to Jira ticketTo include taken screenshots during test execution in submitted tickets.
    Attach Log to Jira ticketTo include the execution log in submitted tickets.
    Submit options in Jira integration
  6. Click Apply and Close to complete the Jira integration.
You have successfully enabled Jira integration in Katalon Studio.
  • Jira integration configuration is available in the project scope only. If you want to integrate Jira with another Katalon project, you have to repeat the above steps.

Import BDD custom fields from Jira to Katalon Studio (Applicable to Jira Cloud integration)

From Katalon Studio version 7.8.0 onwards, you can import the BDD custom fields to Katalon Studio when importing BDD feature files for Jira Cloud integration. Follow these steps:
  1. Go to Projects > Settings > Plugin > Jira.
  2. In the Fetch Options section, check the Enable retrieving content of the specified custom field box.
    Fetch BDD custom fields to Katalon Studio
  3. Select a custom field from the dropdown list.
    • Only the existing custom field ID is valid for this configuration.
    • In case you can not find the custom field in the dropdown list, click Fetch Custom Fields to fetch the latest list from the connected Jira Cloud.
  4. Click Apply and Close to apply your settings.
You have successfully imported BDD custom fields from Jira to Katalon Studio. You can now start importing your BDD test cases to Katalon Studio to execute and view test results.

Import test cases from Jira to Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio allows you to pull test cases from Jira and link Jira issues to Katalon. Follow these steps:
  1. From the Katalon toolbar, select Jira > Import Test Case from JIRA JQL. An Import Test Case from JIRA JQL dialog opens.
    Import Jira test cases
  2. In the open dialog, fill the JIRA Query Language (JQL) script of the desired test case in the Jira JQL box. To find out the JQL script of your test case, you can refer to the Atlassian document here: Search for issues using JQL.
    For example, we want to import test cases from the TDAP project with Bug type and Complete status. After searching for the Jira ticket using the JQL query, copy and paste the JQL script into the Jira JQL box.

    Search the Jira tickets via JQL query

    Copy the JQL query from Jira to Katalon Studio

  3. Optional: By default, the Import BDD feature files box is selected. This option allows you to import BDD feature files to run BDD tests. In case you don't want to run BDD tests, uncheck this option.
  4. Click OK.
  5. The Test Case Folder Selection dialog opens. Select the destination to store the issues. Click OK.
  6. A Jira Issues dialog opens. Click OK to import the test case from Jira.
    • You can only import test cases from a Jira ticket once. You can not repeat this action.

Once done, you can see a new test case in Katalon Studio with the following information:
  • The test case name is the Jira ticket summary/subject.

  • The test case description is the Jira ticket content.

  • If you select Import BDD feature file as in step 3, Katalon Studio creates a new corresponding feature file in Include/Feature with the following information:

    • The feature file name is the same as the test case name.

    • The scenario in the feature file is the scenario specified in the fetched BDD custom field of the imported Jira ticket.

      Results after importing Jira tickets

      Results after importing BDD feature file

You can continue to add additional steps in the test case as needed. Then click Run for playback.

After importing test cases from Jira to Katalon Studio, you can view test results and submit tickets to Jira.

If you conduct BDD testing, you can view the results in Katalon TestOps. See View BDD test results in Katalon TestOps.