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Configure qTest integration in Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio allows you to integrate with qTest. This integration allows you to:
  • Submit test results automatically and manually from Katalon Studio to qTest.

  • Generate Katalon Studio - qTest parity reports.

  • Manage version control between qTest and Katalon Studio.

This article shows you how to configure qTest integration with Katalon Studio. The steps include:
  • Enable qTest integration in Katalon Studio

  • Set up qTest integration with Katalon Studio. You can do this via the setup wizard or manual setup. In the manual setup, you can connect to qTest account using username and password or SSO token.

  • Map test status between qTest and Katalon Studio

  • Manage test cases between qTest and Katalon Studio

  • Manage test suites between qTest and Katalon Studio


  • Katalon Studio version 7.0.1 onwards.

  • An active Katalon Studio Enterprise license. To learn more about activating your Katalon Studio license, you can refer to this document: Activate Katalon license.

Enable qTest integration in Katalon Studio

To enable qTest integration in Katalon Studio, follow these steps:
  1. Install the qTest integration plugin from the Katalon Store here: qTest integration.
  2. Return to Katalon Studio and activate your plugin. To do so, click on the Profile icon, then click Reload Plugin. If you want to use the plugin in console mode, refer to this document: Use Plugins in Console Mode.
  3. Open the qTest integration settings:
    • For Katalon version 7.5.5 onwards: Go to Project > Settings > Plugins > qTest

    • For versions older than 7.5.5: Go to Project > Settings > Integration > qTest

  4. Check the Enable integration checkbox.
    Enable qTest integration in Katalon Studio
You have successfully enabled qTest integration in Katalon Studio.

Set up qTest integration in Katalon Studio

  • From version 7.9.0 onwards, Katalon Studio supports pushing screenshots (PNG files) to qTest to generate reports.

You can set up qTest integration manually or with the Setup Wizard as follows.

Set up qTest integration via the setup wizard

To set up qTest integration via the setup wizard, follow these steps:
  1. To open the setup wizard, after checking the Enable Integration box, click Yes in the pop-up window.
    Setup Wizard dialog

    Alternatively, you can also click on the Quick Setup... hyperlink.

    Open Setup Wizard via Quick Setup button
    The qTest Integration Setup Wizard dialog opens. Complete all items to finish the setup.
  2. In the Authentication section, select your qTest version and enter you qTest account for authentication information.
    In the version options, we recommend selecting 7 or higher. This is because earlier versions might be deprecated soon.
    Authentication in the Wizard Setup
    Click Connect account to establish connection with your qTest account.
  3. In the qTest project section, select your project.
    Select qTest project in the Setup Wizard
  4. In the Test Structure Mapping section, you need to map the tests between the two systems.
    1. In the qTest module section: select one of the qTest modules fetched from your account to store the uploaded Katalon test cases.
      Choose qTest module in the Setup Wizard
    2. In the Katalon Test Case Folder section: select a test case folder to integrate with the qTest module selected above.
      Select Katalon test case folder to map with qTest module
    3. In the Katalon Test Suite Folder section: select a test suite folder to integrate with the qTest module selected above.
      Select Katalon test suite folder in the Setup Wizard
  5. In the Execution Options section, choose the settings for uploading results to qTest.
    Select submit options in the Setup Wizard
    Automatically submit test run resultResults of executed test cases are uploaded automatically to qTest.
    Submit test run result to the latest approved versionTest run results are submitted to the latest approved version of the mapped qTest test case.
    Report formatAdditional attachments for reports to be uploaded to qTest. These report formats only apply to test suites. To learn more about test suite and test suite collection reports, see View test suite and test suite collection reports in Katalon Studio.
  6. Click Finish.
    Complete the Setup Wizard
You have successfully set up qTest integration with Katalon Studio via the setup wizard.

Set up qTest integration manually

To set up qTest integration with Katalon Studio manually, follow these steps:
  1. In the Authentication section, select your qTest version.
    We recommend selecting 7 or higher. This is because earlier versions might be deprecated soon.
    Choose qTest version 7 or higher
  2. To generate a token for authentication, you can choose either log in with username and password or with an SSO token.
    • Log in with username and password
      • Click Generate. The Generate new token dialog opens.

        Log in with username and password

      • Fill in your qTest account information. Then click Generate.

      • Katalon Studio connects to qTest using the provided information. The token is generated.

    • Log in with SSO token

      • If you are using Single Sign-On (SSO) to log in to qTest, ignore the Generate button, copy and paste the following token format in the Token text field:

        {"access_token":"<bearer_token_value>","token_type":"bearer","scope":"read write create delete administration execute import export share baseline"}
      • To find the <bearer_token_value>, access qTest Manager. Sign in with your SSO account. Navigate to the Download qTest Resources page. In the API & SDK section, you can see the Bearer Token value.

        Log in with SSO token

  3. Select your preferred test submission method from the following options:
    Submit options in manual setup
    Automatically submit test run resultResults of executed test cases are uploaded automatically to qTest.
    Submit test run result to the latest approved versionTest run results are submitted to the latest approved version of the mapped qTest test case.
    Report formatAdditional attachments for reports to be upload to qTest. These report formats only apply to test suites. To learn more about test suite and test suite collection reports, see View test suite and test suite collection reports in Katalon Studio.
  4. To conduct test case mapping, follow these steps:
    1. To create mappings between qTest modules and Katalon test case folders, go to Project > Settings > Plugins > qTest > Test Case Repositories.
      Map Katalon test case in manual setup
    2. Click Add. The Create Test Case Repository dialog opens.
    3. Choose your qTest project and module, then browse the Katalon folder containing the test case you wish to map with.
    4. Click OK when you are done.
      Map test cases between qTest and KS
  5. To conduct test suites mapping, follow these steps:
    1. To create mappings between qTest projects and Katalon test suite folders, go to Project > Settings > Plugins > qTest > Test Suite Repositories.
      Map test suites in Katalon Studio
    2. Click Add. The Create Test Suite Repository dialog opens.
    3. Choose your qTest project, and browse the Katalon folder for the test suite you wish to map with.
    4. Click OK when you are done.
      Map qTest test suites with Katalon Studio
      • You should select test suites that contain test cases defined in the Test Case Repositories settings.

Map test status between qTest and Katalon Studio

  • Katalon Studio version 7.9.0 onwards

To map test status between qTest and Katalon Studio, follow these steps:
  1. Open your qTest project, activate the Automation Integration settings and map the automation status to the test run status in qTest. You can learn more about activating the Automation Integration settings in the Tricentis document here: Activate Automation Integrations.
    Add execution results in qTest mapping
    Map execution results in qTest
  2. Then, go to Katalon Studio and go to Project > Settings > Plugins > qTest > Execution Status Mapping. In the qTest API's status column, input the value that matches the Automation Status column you configured from step 1.
    Add execution status in Katalon Studio
You have successfully mapped test status between qTest and Katalon Studio.

Manage test cases between qTest and Katalon Studio

After enabling qTest integration in Katalon Studio, you can perform interactions between qTest and Studio test cases.

To submit test results from Katalon Studio to qTest, you need to have your test cases populated in both qTest and Studio. You have three different ways to do this:
  • You have test cases in Studio but not in qTest, you can upload Studio test cases to qTest. You can do so with one or many test cases.

  • You have test cases in qTest but not in Studio, you can download qTest test cases to Studio.

  • You can have existing test cases in both qTest and Studio, you can map a Katalon test case to a qTest test case by database ID.

You can check which Katalon Studio test cases need updating when the integrated qTest test cases change the test step content and retrieve the latest content.

You can also disintegrate a qTest and Katalon Studio test case connection if you no longer need to submit test results from the test case.

Upload Katalon Studio test cases to qTest

Katalon allows you to upload a test case or all test cases in a test case folder to qTest.

  • The test case or the test case folder you wish to upload must locate in the integrated test case folder with qTest. To learn more about integrating a test case folder with qTest, refer to step 4 in manual setup. See above: Set up qTest integration manually.

Upload a test case to qTest
  1. To upload a test case to qTest, in the Tests Explorer panel, right-click on the test case to trigger its context menu. Select qTest > Upload.
    Upload a Studio test case to qTest
  2. Alternatively, you can also navigate to the Integration tab of the test case. Click Upload.
    Upload a Studio test case to qTest via the Integration tab
Upload a test case folder to qTest
  1. To upload a test case folder to qTest, in the Tests Explorer panel, right-click on the test case folder to trigger its context menu. Select qTest > Upload.
  2. Select qTest > Upload.
    Upload a Studio test case folder to qTest
Once uploaded successfully, test cases have a qTest icon at the bottom right of the icon as shown below:

qTest icon at the uploaded test cases

Click Navigate to go to qTest to verify whether the Katalon Studio test case is successfully uploaded to the integrated qTest module.

Verify upload test cases in qTest

You can also see the following information in the Integration tab of the integrated test case.

Integration information in uploaded test case

Test Case IDThe ID of the integrated qTest test case.
AliasThe alias of the integrated qTest test case.
Parent IDThe ID of the integrated qTest module.
VersionThe qTest test case version.

Download qTest test cases to Katalon Studio

To download qTest test cases to Katalon Studio, follow these steps:
  1. In qTest, switch to the Test Design tab. Move the test cases you wish to download into the qTest module that is integrated with Katalon Studio.
    For example, we want to download the Login_myAccount test case to Katalon Studio. We move it to the Common Test Cases qTest module, which we have integrated with Katalon Studio beforehand.
    Move qTest test cases to the integrated module
  2. Switch to Katalon Studio. In the Tests Explorer panel, right-click the test case folder that is integrated with the above qTest module. Select qTest > Download.
    Download qTest test cases
  3. The Downloaded test case preview dialog opens. You can see all test cases in the integrated qTest module that are available for download. Select the test case you want to download. Click OK to continue.
    Choose the download test cases
    • Test cases that are downloaded will not be displayed again.

Once the downloading process is finished, you can view the downloaded test cases in the integrated test case folder.

Test case downloaded successfully

Map a Katalon Studio test case to a qTest test case by database ID

  • Katalon Studio version 7.9.0 onwards

  • The test case you wish to upload must locate in the integrated test case folder with qTest. To learn more about integrating a test case folder with qTest, refer to step 4 in manual setup. See above: Set up qTest integration manually.

Katalon Studio provides an easy way to map a Katalon test case to an existing qTest test case. Follow these steps:
  1. In qTest, you can get a qTest test case database ID in the test case URL.
    qTest test case ID
  2. In Katalon Studio, select a test case you want to link to the above qTest test case. Add the copied value to its name in the following format: <qTest Database ID> <Katalon test case name>.
  3. Open the test case editor, select the Integration tab.
  4. Click Link qTest test case.
    Link qTest test case by database ID
  5. Save your change when the test case is linked to qTest successfully.
    Link test case by database ID successfully

Manage qTest test cases version and synchronization

  • Katalon Studio version 7.8.0 onwards.

  • The associated test case is uploaded to qTest.

Katalon Studio allows you to check which Studio test cases need updating when the integrated qTest test cases change the test step content and retrieve the latest content. You can do with one or many test cases.
Check version updates in bulk
  1. Click on the qTest icon on the menu bar.
  2. Select Check for updates.
  3. In the Check for updates dialog, select test cases you wish to check for update. Click OK.
  4. Wait for the test engine to retrieve information from the qTest server.
    Check for updates in bulk
Check for version updates and sync test steps in a test case
  1. In a test case editor, open the Integration tab, click Check for updates to fetch the latest qTest test case version and test steps content. Wait for the test engine to retrieve information from the qTest server.
  2. If you wish to save the latest content of test steps and test case version, in the pop-up qTest Integration Update dialog, click Sync up.
    Check for version updates in a test case and synchronization

Disintegrate Studio test cases from qTest

Katalon allows you to disintegrate a test case or all test cases in a test case folder from qTest.

Disintegrate a Katalon Studio test case from qTest
  1. To break the connection between a Katalon Studio test case and qTest, navigate to the Integration tab of the test case. Click Disintegrate.
    Disintegrate Studio test cases from qTest
    Alternatively, you can right-click the test case you wish to disintegrate, select qTest > Disintegrate.
    Disintegrate test cases from qTest
  2. In the Confirmation dialog, click OK. The connection between the test case and qTest is removed.
Disintegrate a test case folder from qTest
  1. To remove multiple test case connections from qTest, move all test cases you want to break the Katalon Studio - qTest connection in a folder.
  2. In the Tests Explorer view, right-click the test case folder you wish to disintegrate. Select qTest > Disintegrate.
    Disintegrate a test case folder from qTest
  3. In the Confirmation dialog, click OK. The connection of all Studio test cases in the test case folder and qTest is removed.

Manage test suites between qTest and Katalon Studio

After creating connections between qTest - Studio test cases, you need to upload Studio test suites to qTest. You can do this automatically or manually.

If you no longer want to upload test suite results to qTest, you can also disintegrate the connection.

Upload Katalon Studio test suites to qTest automatically

  • The test suite you wish to upload to qTest should be located in the integrated test suite folder with qTest. To learn more about integrating a test suite folder with qTest, refer to step 5 in the manual setup. See above: Set up qTest integration manually.

To upload Studio test suites to qTest automatically, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to the Integration tab of the test suite. Click on the New parent button.
    Create a new location for Studio test suites
    The Create Test Suite's parent dialog opens.
  2. Choose the location to integrate with the Katalon test suite.
  3. In the Creation Options section, choose one of the the following options to upload test suites automatically:
    Create and upload
    • Create an association between the Katalon test suite and the selected qTest location.
    • Upload the Katalon test suite to the selected qTest location.
    Create, upload, and set as default
    • Create an association between the Katalon test suite and the selected qTest location.
    • Upload the Katalon test suite to the selected qTest location.
    • Set the qTest location as default for uploading the execution result of the Katalon test suite.
    • A test suite can be registered in many qTest locations, but only one qTest location can be set as default.

    Choose create location options to upload test suites automatically
  4. Click OK to continue. Once integrated, you can see the location and the name of the parent folder on qTest.
    New location registered successfully
    Successfully integrated icon

    The Katalon test suite is integrated with the qTest location.
    Unsuccessfully integrated icon

    The Katalon test suite is not integrated with the qTest location.
    You can also view the integration information, including Parent ID, Test Suite ID, and Alias, as shown below:
    Test Suite IDThe ID of the integrated qTest test suite.
    AliasThe alias of the integrated qTest test suite.
    Parent IDThe ID of the integrated qTest location.
    • You can quickly open the uploaded test suite in qTest by clicking Navigate.

Upload Katalon Studio test suites to qTest manually

Katalon allows you to upload a test suite or all test suites in a test suite folder to qTest.

  1. Navigate to the Integration tab of the test suite. Click on the New parent button.
    The Create Test Suite's parent dialog opens.
  2. Select a Parent folder, then choose the location to integrate with the Katalon test suite.
  3. In the Creation Options section, select the Create only option.
    This option allows you to create an association between the Katalon test suite and the selected qTest location.
  4. Click OK to continue. Once integrated, you can see the location and the name of the parent folder on qTest.
  5. To upload a test suite manually to the predefined qTest location, navigate to the Integration tab of the test suite. In the List of test suite's parents window, select a qTest location, then click Upload.
    Upload test suites to qTest manually
    Alternatively, you can also right-click on the test suite to trigger its context menu. Select qTest > Upload.
    Upload test suites to qTest manually in an alternative way
  6. Optional: You can also manually upload multiple test cases in a a test suite folder to qTest. However, you need to make sure:
    • All test suites in the test suite folder have at least one registered qTest location.

    • At least one test suite in the selected test suites folder has not been uploaded yet.

    To do so, in the Tests Explorer panel, right-click on the test suite folder to trigger its context menu. Select qTest > Upload.
  7. Once the uploading process finishes, click Navigate to go to qTest to verify whether the Katalon test suites are uploaded to the registered qTest locations.

Disintegrate test suites from qTest

Katalon allows you to disintegrate a test suite or all test suites in a folder from qTest.

Disintegrate a test suite from qTest
  1. To remove the integration between the Katalon test suite and the registered qTest location, navigate to the Integration tab of the test suite. Select a qTest location, click Disintegrate.
    Alternatively, you can also right-click on the test suite you wish to disintegrate. Select qTest > Disintegrate.
  2. Click OK on the Confirmation dialog. The integration between the test suite and the registered qTest location is removed.
Disintegrate a test suite folder from qTest
  1. To break the connection of all test suites in a test suite folder from qTest, in the Tests Explorer view, right-click on the test suite folder you wish to disintegrate. Select qTest > Disintegrate.
  2. Click OK on the Confirmation dialog. The integration between the test suite folder and qTest is removed.