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View and upload Katalon Studio test execution results to qTest

This guide shows you how to view and upload test executions results from Katalon Studio to qTest.


  • qTest integration with Katalon Studio already configured. See: Configure qTest integration in Katalon Studio.
  • A registered qTest location for the associated test suite is set as default.
  • The qTest test case version is at least 1.0.

Upload test results automatically

To automatically upload test results to qTest, follow these steps:
  1. Check the Automatically submit test run results option in Project > Settings > Plugins > qTest.
  2. Add an uploaded test case to an uploaded test suite.
  3. Execute an uploaded Katalon test suite.
  4. Open the generated test execution report.
  5. In the Test Cases Table section, the status of all test execution is displayed with the following information.
    the Test Cases Table section

    You can view the following information:

    Successfully uploaded icon

    The execution result of the test case is uploaded to qTest.
    Unsuccessfully uploaded icon

    The execution result of the test case is not uploaded to qTest.
  6. To find the qTest information, click Show Test Case Details. In the Test Case's Log table, go to the Integration tab.

    Show test case details

    You can view the following information:

    Test Run AliasThe alias of the integrated qTest test run.
    Test Log IDThe ID of the test log created in qTest, for example, execution history record.
    AttachmentThis lets users know whether all the execution logs and reports are sent to qTest as an attachment. (i.e., Yes or No) If yes, you can go to qTest and find them under the related execution history record, as illustrated below:

Upload test case results manually

In case the test results fail to upload to qTest automatically, you can manually upload test results, for both test cases and test suites.

To upload test cases manually, follow these steps:

  1. Add an uploaded test case to an uploaded test suite.
  2. Execute the uploaded Katalon test suite.
  3. Open the generated test execution report.
  4. In the Test Cases Table section, right-click the test case you wish to upload the test result. Select qTest > Upload.
    Upload test case results manually

  5. Once the uploading process is finished, you can go to qTest to verify whether the test execution is uploaded successfully to qTest test run.
    Upload test case results manually

Upload test suite results manually

To manually upload test suite results to qTest, follow these steps:
  1. In the Tests Explorer panel, open the Reports folder. Right-click the test execution result you wish to upload. Select qTest > Upload.

    To upload all test executions, you can right-click the Report folder, select qTest > Upload.

    Upload test suite results manually

  2. Once the uploading process is finished, you can go to qTest to verify whether the test execution is uploaded successfully to the qTest test run.