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Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) release

Katalon is steadily rolling out Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) in a series of releases. Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) and earlier releases are available only for selected Katalon Platform plan users. For more information about the available features that come with your current plan, go here: Katalon Platform plans.

Refer to the following topics for the version release of Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta).

Beta - August 21, 2023

The following features and improvements are included in the latest release of Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta). Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) and earlier releases remain to be available only for selected Katalon users.


  • Added the following supported actions. For more information, see Supported actions:

    • Verify element attribute value

    • Wait for element present

  • You can now record a new or empty test case with a clean session. This prevents interference from the currently opened browser and ensures more reliable recording and playback.

  • You can now quickly access Cloud Studio (Beta) by clicking the Katalon Platform Recorder extension in your web browser bar. Click Katalon Platform Recorder extension to go to Katalon Platform > TestOps.

  • The latest version of Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) also suggests a list of recently recorded URLs, making it convenient to reuse a URL of the webpage you want to test. Katalon Cloud Studio suggests recent URLs for testing.

Bug fixed

  • In some AUTs with pop-ups, the Recorder floating menu appears behind the pop-up, making it difficult to interact with. Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) now ensures that the Recorder menu consistently stays in front for easy interaction.

Beta - June 28, 2023

The following features and improvements are included in the latest release of Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta). Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) and earlier releases remain to be available only for selected Katalon users.

New features

  • The latest version of Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) allows you to edit a test by changing the action, object, and input by using the Editor. See the following topic for more information: Edit test step.

  • You can now add new test steps in a test case directly in the Editor by:
    • Using the Add new test step button to add a step at the end of the test steps.

    • Hovering between steps to add a new step in between.

    You can search and add any of the fourteen (14) Supported actions, with more to come in future releases. See the following topic for more information: Add a new test step.

  • You can now add a new object while editing or adding a new test step using the Katalon Platform Recorder extension. See the following topic for more information: Capture new object.

  • You can also cut and paste or copy and paste test steps in the Editor. See the following topic for more information: Cut and copy test steps.


  • Added the following supported actions:

    • Verify element not present
    • Take screenshot of the current viewport

      Take screenshot of the current viewport is currently supported when running with the Katalon Platform Recorder extension.

Beta - May 31, 2023

The latest release of Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) now allows select Katalon users full access to the Beta - April 26, 2023 release, including the following new features and enhancements.

New features

  • The latest version of Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) allows you to create and manage a test suite of your published Cloud Studio (Beta) test cases. A test suite allows you to group certain types of Cloud Studio (Beta) test cases (e.g. slow-running test cases) and schedule them later. See the following topic for more information: Create a Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) test suite.

  • You can also schedule a test run of your Cloud Studio (Beta) test cases grouped in a test suite with TestCloud. See the following topic for more information: Schedule a Cloud Studio (Beta) test suite.
  • You can now view a report of your Cloud Studio (Beta) test suite after its scheduled run. See the following topic for more information: View your Cloud Studio (Beta) test suite report.


  • Added additional supported actions. For more information, see Supported actions:

    • Get URL

    • Get text

    • Verify element exists

  • Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) Chrome extension now supports Microsoft Edge. See the following article for more information: Download and install Katalon Platform Recorder.

  • You can now duplicate a test step in a Cloud Studio (Beta) test case in the Editor. See the following topic for more information: Duplicate a test step.

  • You can also perform bulk actions on your Cloud Studio (Beta) test case. See the following topics for more information:

  • [UI] Introduced inline, menu, and right-click options to perform delete and duplicate test actions in Editor. See the following topic for more information: Edit draft test case.

  • [UI] Introduced keyword icons to visually indicate test step types added in a test case: Test step icons.

Beta - April 26, 2023

The latest addition to the Katalon Platform, the Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) allows Katalon Platform manual testers to create, edit, manage, and publish Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) draft test cases all in one place.

Introducing the Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta)

The latest addition to Katalon Platform, Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) is our new web-based authoring product to help manual testers quickly create test automation for web applications under test (AUT).

The addition of the Cloud-based Studio to Katalon Platform offers users a seamless and efficient testing process starting from organizing, then authoring, then executing and viewing reports right in one place.

Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) features the following capabilities: