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Run a draft test case

Learn how to execute a test run on your draft test case in Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta).

Run a draft test case with a browser extension

Learn how to execute a test run on your draft test case with a browser extension.

  1. From the Project home screen, go to Tests > Test Cases and select the draft test case you wish to run.
  2. In the Editor view, click Run.Click Run to execute draft test case.
    Two things happen when you execute a test run:
    • A test browser opens executing all test steps listed in the draft test case; and

    • The Katalon Platform Recorder displays the progress of the test run via the progress bar:Test run progress bar is displayed.

  3. Once the test run is completed, the Editor is updated with the results of the test run (Passed/Failed) and other pertinent information about the test run such as:
    • Number of steps executed in the test run
    • Number of steps passed/failed/incomplete
    • Duration of the test run
    • Test step error summary
    The following is a quick demo of a test run with a Passed result:

    A test run with a Passed result.

    The following is a quick demo of a test run with a Failed result:

    A test run with a failed result.

You have successfully executed a test run on your draft test case with a browser extension.

Run a draft test case with TestCloud

You can now run a draft test case using TestCloud in Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) and later versions.

Here is a quick demo on how to run a draft test case with TestCloud in Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta): Configure test run using TestCloud.
  1. From the Project home screen, go to Tests > Test Cases and select the draft test case you wish to run.
  2. In the Editor view, click the Run dropdown arrow and select Run with TestCloud and the following configurations:
    • Select the OS configuration you want to run the test case under
      • For Cloud Studio (Beta), we only support Linux OS.

    • Select the browser and version

      • For Cloud Studio (Beta), we only support Chrome 110 and Firefox 110 browsers.

  3. Click Run Test.
    Once the draft test case finishes the test run, the Editor is updated with the results of the test run (Passed/Failed).
You have successfully executed a test run on your draft test case with TestCloud.