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(03-03-0012) Failed to login into the test environment

The Katalon AI agent cannot login into the test environment due to one of these two following reasons:

If the test environment requires login credentials and the input username or password is incorrect, Katalon AI Agent cannot access and run on the environment.

Currently, you cannot edit an existing test environment, so you need to add a new test environment with a valid credentials and set the environment as the default.

When adding test environment for autonomous test generation, the URL pattern form may be invalid.

You need to enter a URL (not a domain) representing the test environment of the AUT. The valid URL pattern must follow these rules:
  • Include protocol prefix, such as "https://".
  • No trailing slash.
Some examples of correct URLs:
Currently, you cannot edit an existing test environment, so you need to add a new test environment with a valid URL and set the environment as the default.