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Set up Katalon AI Agent

This document shows you how to set up Katalon AI Agent for autonomous test generation with TrueTest.


Add application under test

To configure autonomous test generation, first you need to define an application under test (AUT). The AUT specifies the production environment where Katalon AI can track all user interactions and leverage them in generating test cases.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to TestOps Homepage.
  2. On the top right corner, select Settings > Autonomous Testing.
    The Autonomous Testing menu displays as below.autonomous testing menu
  3. Click Add Application Under Test. In the displayed dialog, provide the information of your AUT.
    Add application under test dialog
    • Name: The displayed name of your application.

    • Application Domain: The domain of your deployed applications. A user journey can involve multiple domains. This domain must not include: protocol name, "www" prefix, or trailing slash.

      For example, valid domains can be * or

    • Description: The description for your application.

  4. Click Add.
Your application under test is successfully added.

Configure the application under test

After the AUT is defined, you need to install the event tracking agent in your application, provide the development environment and link with the test project.

Select the AUT you want to configure. The configuration menu appears with three installation steps.ATG Configuration menu

  1. Activate Traffic Agent.

    A developer or someone with access to the codebase of the AUT must add the tracking code snippet provided by Katalon. The code snippet should be pasted into the <HEAD> element of the HTML code of the AUT. Once the code snippet is added, the AUT should be saved, built, and deployed to the production environment.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Paste the Katalon AI code snippet here -->

    It is important that the tracking code is added correctly to collect data from all user interactions. This will allow the Katalon AI Agent to collect and model user journeys accurately and generate test cases.

  2. Add Test Environment(s).

    Click on the Add Test Environment button. In the opened dialog, you need to provide the test environment for the test execution. Provide the name and the URL for the environment. You can also provide login credentials for accessing that environment if necessary.

    Add test environment dialog

    Environment URL should follow the correct pattern with the appropriate protocol and should not contain unnecessary trailing slashes. For example, a valid domain can be

    If your test environment is hosted in a private network, you can set up a private tunnel that enables TrueTest server to securely access the AUT. See: Set up private tunnel.

    Katalon AI Agent will explore the test environment following the paths identified from user activities on the production environment and generate test cases accordingly. This step ensures the test cases generated can later be executable on the test environment.

  3. Link Project(s).
    Click on the Link Project button to specify the test project and script repository. The test cases will be committed and pushed to the script repository, which can then be executed as Katalon test scripts.

    The Git script repository must be configured with Write permission.

    Link project dialog

The application under test is configured for autonomous test generation.

After completing the three steps, navigate back to the Application Under Test list and check the Activation Date and Last Data Received Date data columns. These columns signify that the Katalon AI Agent has successfully tracked data from the AUT.

Set up private tunnel

This section shows you how to set up a private tunnel for Katalon TrueTest.

When setting up test environment for TrueTest, if you want to add a test environment that is hosted in a private network, you need to set up a private tunnel.

The TrueTest private tunnel provides the following benefits:
  • A secure, reliable and high-performing network connectivity between the TrueTest server and the AUT hosted inside a private network.
  • Simplified setup and maintenance process on user's side.

To set up a private tunnel, follow these steps:

  1. In the Add Test Environment dialog, enable the This environment operates within my local network option and click Set up private tunnel.
    Set up private tunnel button
  2. In the Set Up Private Tunnel section, follow the installation instructions.
    Set up private tunnel dialog

    The tunnel client should establish a session.

  3. After starting the tunnel client program, navigate back to the Add Test Environment dialog and click the Refresh button.

    Tunnel has been set up message

  4. Click Save.
The private tunnel is now set up for the private network access.