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Work with Git in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition

In Katalon Studio - Platform Edition, Git integration is enabled by default. You cannot disable Git integration in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition.

A Git repository URL is required to open a project in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition. See: Open a project in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition.

You can view your Git repository URL in Project Information. See: Project Information in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition.

This document shows you how to work with Git in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition versions 8.5.0 and 8.5.5. From version 8.6.0 onwards, see Work with Git in Katalon Studio.

Log in to Git account in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition

If your Git personal access token expires, you can update the new token in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition. Do as follows:

  1. Click on the dropdown of the Profile icon and choose Log in to Git.
  2. In the Log in to Git dialog, enter your Git Username and Git Personal Access Token.
    Granting the Write permission for this token is recommended. You can click Save authentication to remember this credentials for the next time opening this project.
  3. Click Log in.
You've successfully updated your Git personal access token in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition.

Set remote connection timeout for Git

To set remote connection timeout for Git in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition, do as follows:
  1. From the main menu, go to Preferences > Katalon > Git.
  2. Enter the amount of time in second for remote connection timeout.
  3. Click Apply.


The Commit option allows users to view all current changes and decide which changes are stored in the local branch. For more information on the commit command, refer to this Git document: Git commit.

Do as follows:
  1. In the main toolbar, click on Git dropdown arrow > Commit.
    Git commit
  2. The Git Staging tab is displayed for configuration.

    Git staging

    Unstaged ChangesChanges which have been made.
    Staged ChangesSelected changes from Unstaged Changes. These changes are committed.
  3. From the Unstaged Changes list, select the changes to be committed, then right-click on them and select Add To Index. You can also drag and drop items from the Unstaged Changes to the Staged Changes.
    Selected changes are added to the Staged Changes list.
  4. Enter your comments into the Commit Message.
  5. Click on Commit to store your staged changes into the local branch.

Manage Branches

New Branch

To create a new branch, do as follows:
  1. In the main toolbar, click on Git dropdown arrow > Manage Branches > New Branch.
  2. The Create Branch dialog displays.

    Create branch dialog

    SourceSelect either remote or local branch, which is your source branch.

    Select source dialog

    Branch nameThe name to be used for the new branch.
    Checkout new branchOption to let Katalon Studio checkout that branch after created.
  3. Click Finish to create a new branch.

Checkout Branch

The Checkout Branch option allows you to switch from one branch to another.

Do as follows:

  1. Manage Branches > Checkout Branch.
    Checkout branch
  2. The Select Source dialog displays.
    Select the local branch you want to check out to be the current branch. The branch with a icon is your current local branch.

    Select source dialog

  3. Click OK when you finish.

Delete Branch

To delete a branch, do as follows:
  1. In the main toolbar, click on Git dropdown arrow > Manage Branches > Delete Branch.
  2. In the Delete Branch dialog, both local and remote branches are displayed. Select a branch to delete.
    Delete branch dialog
  3. Click OK when you finish.


  • Before doing any push, you need to commit your changes.
You can use push command to upload the local branch to the remote branch. For more information on the push command, refer to this Git document: Git push.

Do as follows:

  1. In the main toolbar, click on Git dropdown arrow > Push.

    The Push Branch master dialog appears.

  2. Choose from the Remote branch list which branch to be updated (All remote branches in your Git repository are listed here).
    Click Next after finishing selecting your remote branch.
    • If you enter a name besides the listed branches, a new remote branch with that name is created accordingly.
  3. The Push Confirmation dialog appears with details of your commit.
  4. Click Finish to push your commits to the remote repository.


You can use the pull command to incorporate changes from a remote repository into the current branch. For more information on the pull command, refer to this Git document: Git pull.

Do as follows:

  1. In the main toolbar, click on Git dropdown arrow > Pull.

    The Pull dialog appears.
  2. Select the remote branch to be pulled into your local branch.
  3. Click Finish.
  4. The Pull Result dialog displays information about pulling requests on the selected branch.
    Pull result dialog
  5. Click OK when you finish.


You can retrieve all information about changes that have occurred in remote branches. For more information on the fetch command, refer to this Git document: Git fetch.

Do as follows:

  1. In the main toolbar, click on Git dropdown arrow > Fetch.
    Git Fetch
  2. The Fetch Results dialog appears.
    Remote branches, tags, and remote changes are fetched automatically.

    Fetch results dialog

  3. In the main toolbar, click Show History.
  4. The History tab appears.
    Details regarding all the branches and tags you've just fetched are displayed.

    History tab