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Open a test project in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition

For Katalon Studio - Platform Edition, you need to set up your project on Katalon TestOps, then open your test project in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition.
  • You cannot create a new project in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition.


Set up your project on Katalon TestOps

To use Katalon Studio - Platform Edition, you first start with Katalon TestOps. Here, you need to create a project, link your project with a Git repository, then open your project in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition.

The Git repository is where you store your test project. You only need to set up your Git repository once, then all your team members can get access to your test project via Katalon TestOps. Katalon Platform enables Git integration by default. You can collaborate with your team by committing directly from Katalon Studio and updating your Git repository on Katalon TestOps.

Create a new project in TestOps

This section details how you create a new project in TestOps.

  • You are the administrator or owner of the organization.
To create a new project in Katalon TestOps, do as follows:
  1. Go to TestOps > Settings > Project Management.
    The Project Management section in the settings menu.
    The Project dashboard appears.
  2. Click on Create Project.
    Create a project in the project dashboard.
  3. Choose your team, then click Next.
    The manage projects page in Katalon TestOps.The Manage Projects page appears.Create a project by inputting a project name.
  4. Enter your project name, then click Create.
A pop-up in the upper right side of the screen confirms that you have successfully created a new project in Katalon TestOps.

Upload test scripts from a Git repository

  • You have an existing test project in Azure Repos / Bitbucket / GitHub / GitLab / AWS CodeCommit.

To upload test scripts from a Git repository to Katalon TestOps, do as follows:
  1. Sign in Katalon TestOps and go to the project you want to upload the test scripts to.
  2. Go to Configurations > Script Repositories > Connect Git Repository. Click Create a new Git repository.
    create a new Git repository
    The Create a new Git repository tab appears.Create a new Git repository tab appears
  3. In the Source Type dropdown list, choose one of the following source types:
    • Azure Repos
    • Bitbucket
    • GitHub
    • GitLab
    • AWS CodeCommit. When you select the AWS CodeCommit option, the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key fields are enabled. Currently, Katalon Studio does not support AWS CodeCommit yet.
  4. In the Repository URL field, enter the URL of your Git script repository. If you choose AWS CodeCommit, you can refer to this AWS document to retrieve the repository URL: Step 4: Connect to the CodeCommit console and clone the repository.
  5. In the Username field, enter your Azure Repos / Bitbucket / GitHub / GitLab / AWS CodeCommit username.
  6. In the Personal Access Token field, enter your personal access token (PAT). To create a PAT, you can refer to the following documents:
  7. In the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key fields, enter your access key ID and secret access key in AWS CodeCommit. To retrieve the access key ID and secret access key, you can refer to this AWS document: Manage access keys for IAM.
  8. Optional: You can choose Link existing test execution results with test cases having the same paths and names. This option allows TestOps to attach existing test run results to the uploaded test cases and test suites that has the same paths and names.
    For example:
    • You have an existing test run results from the Login test case in the Test Cases/Common Test Cases folder. By default, if this test case is not from an uploaded Git test project, its test results are in the Uploaded Data folder in the Test Management tab.

    • You upload a Git repository that also has a Login test case in the Test Cases/Common Test Cases folder.

    • You check the Link existing test execution results with test cases having the same paths and names option.

    • Once the Git repository is connected successfully, in the Test Management tab, you can see the existing test results of the Login test case in the <your-git-repo-name>/Test Cases/Common Test Cases folder.

  9. Click Connect.

    The following sections appear:

    • Branch: choose a branch.
    • Name: enter your project name.
    • Description: enter your Git project description (optional).

  10. Click Create.
You have successfully uploaded your test scripts from a Git repository to Katalon TestOps. Next, you can start managing your test scripts in Katalon TestOps.

Open a test project in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition

To open a project in Katalon Studio - Platform Edition, do as follows:
  1. From the main menu, select File > Open Project.
    The Open Project dialog appears.
  2. In the displayed Open Project dialog, select the project you want to open from the dropdown list. Katalon Studio retrieves all linked repositories of that project from the TestOps Serve URL.
    open project dialog
    If you cannot find your project, you can click on Fetch Project to update the latest list of active projects. An active project is a project on Katalon TestOps with linked Git repositories. See Upload test scripts from the Git repository to TestOps.
  3. To clone your Git repository to Katalon Studio, select your Git repository URL from the dropdown list.
  4. Input your Git Username and Personal Access Token. Granting the Write permission for this token is recommended to work with Katalon Studio. See GitHub document: Repository roles for an organization.
    You can select the option to Save authentication for the next time you open this project.
    To learn how to create a Git Personal Access Token, you can refer to these documents:
  5. Choose your branch to work on.
  6. Select a Local Location to clone your project to your local machine.
  7. Click OK.
You've successfully opened a project in Katalon Studio.