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Suggested solutions for keyword errors

This document lists out some suggested solutions for common keyword errors.


Keyword type: Common

  • Check the parameter type. Only string parameter type is allowed.


Keyword type: Common

  • Browser is not opened.

Verify Checkpoint

Keyword type: Common

  • Check if checkpoint data is valid.

Verify Equal

Keyword type: Common

  • Check the value type of the actual object and the expected object.

Verify Greater Than

Keyword type: Common

  • Check the value type of the actual object and the expected object.

Verify Greater Than Or Equal

Keyword type: Common

  • Check the value type of the actual object and the expected object.

Verify Less Than

Keyword type: Common

  • Check the value type of the actual object and the expected object.

Verify Less Than Or Equal

Keyword type: Common

  • Check the value type of the actual object and the expected object.

Verify Match

Keyword type: Common

  • Check the value type of the actual text and the expected text.

Verify Not Equal

Keyword type: Common

  • Check the value type of the actual object and the expected object.

Verify Not Match

Keyword type: Common

  • Check the value type of the actual text and the expected text.

Accept Alert

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check that the alert exists.


Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly the current page is broken, check network connection or call API.


Keyword type: WebUI

  • Browser is not opened.


Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check test object locator.

Clear Text

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile, Windows

  • The web element does not have an input tag, check the test object type.


Keyword type: WebUI, Windows

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Click Image

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Click Offset

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.
  • Check the input offset.

Close Browser

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Browser is not available.
  • Network is disconnected.

Close Window Index

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the input index.

Close Window Title

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the input title.

Close Window Url

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the input URL.

convert Web Element To Test Object

Keyword type: WebUI

  • The web element is not found, check the test object locator.
  • Check the web element parameter.

Delete All Cookies

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check if browser still opens.

Deselect All Option

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the test object locator.

Deselect Option By Index

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the test object locator.
  • Validate the input index.

Deselect Option By Label

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the test object locator.
  • Validate the input label.

Deselect Option By Value

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the test object locator.
  • Validate the input value.

Dismiss Alert

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check that the alert exists.

Double Click

Keyword type: WebUI, Windows

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the tes object locator.

Drag And Drop By Offset

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Drag And Drop To Object

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

enable SmartWait

Keyword type: WebUI

Enhanced Click

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

execute JavaScript

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check that javascript is enabled.
  • Check that the script is valid.


Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Ensure that the element is inside the viewport.
  • Check the test object locator.


Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check that the browser is opened before using the keyword.
  • Check that the keyword is not called after the browser closes.

Get Alert Text

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check that the alert exists.

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Ensure browser opens.

Get Attribute

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile, Windows

  • Check test object locator.

get CSS Value

Keyword type: WebUI

  • The web element is not present on DOM, check the test object locator.
  • The input CSS value is incorrect.

Get Element Height

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • The web element is not present on DOM, check test object locator.

Get Element Left Position

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • The web element is not present on DOM, check test object locator.

Get Element Width

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • The web element is not present on DOM, check test object locator.

Get Number Of Selected Option

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check test object locator.

Get Number Of Total Option

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the test object locator.

Get Page Height

Keyword type: WebUI

  • The current page is possibly broken, check network or call API.

Get Page Width

Keyword type: WebUI

  • The current page is possibly broken, check network or call API.

Get Text

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile, Windows

  • Check test object locator.

Get Url

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check that the browser is opened before using the keyword.
  • Check that the keyword is not called after the browser closes.

Get Viewport Height

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check if javascript is enabled on the page.

Get Viewport Left Position

Keyword type: WebUI

  • The web element is not present on DOM, check test object locator.
  • .

Get Viewport Top Position

Keyword type: WebUI

  • The web element is not present on DOM, check test object locator.

Get Viewport Width

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check if javascript is enabled on the page.

Get Window Index

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check that the browser is opened before using the keyword.
  • Check that the keyword is not called after the browser closes.
  • Check the index parameter.

Get Window Title

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check that the browser is opened before using the keyword.
  • Check that the keyword is not called after the browser closes.

Maximize Window

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the system.

Modify Object Property

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Mouse Over

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the tes object locator.

Mouse Over Offset

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check test object locator.
  • Check the input offset.

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check that the browser is opened before using the keyword.
  • Check that the keyword is not called after the browser closes.

Open Browser

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Browser is not available.
  • Network is disconnected.


Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check that the browser is opened before using the keyword.
  • Check that the keyword is not called after the browser closes.

Remove Object Property

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Right Click

Keyword type: WebUI, Windows

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the tes object locator.

Right Click Offset

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the tes object locator.

Scroll To Element

Keyword type: WebUI

  • The web element is changed, check the associated test object.

Scroll To Position

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the test object locator.
  • Ensure javascript enabled.

Select All Option

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the test object locator.

Select Option By Index

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check test object locator.
  • Validate the input index.

Select Option By Label

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the test object locator.
  • Validate the input label.

Select Option By Value

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the test object locator.
  • Validate the input value.

Send Keys

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile, Windows

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check test object locator.

Set Encrypted Text

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile, Windows

  • Check test object locator.

Set Masked Text

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check test object locator.

Set Text

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile, Windows

  • Check test object locator.

Set View Port Size

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly invalid port size input.


Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the form validation.

Switch To Default Content

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check if any alert is showing.

Switch To Frame

Keyword type: WebUI

  • The iframe element does not exist, check the test object.
  • The webdriver is not available, check your driver configuration.

Switch To Window Index

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the input index.

Switch To Window Title

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the input title.

Switch To Window Url

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the input URL.

Take Area Screenshot

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Take Area Screenshot As Checkpoint

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • Check your connection.
  • The server is down.
  • The page is broken.

Take Element Screenshot

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Take Element Screenshot As Checkpoint

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Take Full Page Screenshot

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check your connection.
  • The server is down.
  • The page is broken.

Take Full Page Screenshot As Checkpoint

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check your connection.
  • The server is down.
  • The page is broken.

Take Screenshot

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • Check your connection.
  • The server is down.
  • The page is broken.

Take Screenshot As Checkpoint

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check your connection.
  • The server is down.
  • The page is broken.

Type On Image

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.


Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check test object locator.

Upload File

Keyword type: WebUI

  • The file does not exist in the specified directory.

upload File With Drag And Drop

Keyword type: WebUI

  • File does not exist in directory.
  • The upload area is not displayed.

Verify Alert Not Present

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check that you already dismiss the alert.

Verify Alert Present

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check that the alert is not displayed.

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Some links cannot be accessed in current page.

Verify Element Attribute Value

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • The web element is changed, check the associated test object.

Verify Element Checked

Keyword type: WebUI, Windows

  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Element Clickable

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Element Has Attribute

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • The web element is changed, check the associated test object.

Verify Element Not Checked

Keyword type: WebUI, Windows

  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Element Not Clickable

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Element Not Has Attribute

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • The web element is changed, check the associated test object.

Verify Element Not Present

Keyword type: WebUI, Windows

  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Element Not Visible

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Element Present

Keyword type: WebUI, Windows

  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Element Text

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • The displayed text element does not match with the expected text.

Verify Element Visible

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Image Present

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • The image not loaded on the page.

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Some links cannot be accessed in the list.

Verify Option Not Present By Label

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the input value.
  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Option Not Present By Value

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the value.
  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Option Not Selected By Label

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the input label.
  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Option Not Selected By Value

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the input value.
  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Option Present By Label

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the input label.
  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Option Present By Value

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the input value.
  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Option Selected By Index

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the input index.
  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Option Selected By Label

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the label.
  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Option Selected By Value

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the input value.
  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Options Present

Keyword type:

  • Unexpected change in the option list.

Verify Text Not Present

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the test object locator.

Verify Text Present

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check the test object locator.

Wait For Alert

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check that the alert exists.

Wait For Angular Load

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check if browser opens.
  • Check if javascript enabled.

Wait For Element Attribute Value

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • The web element is changed, check the associated test object.

Wait For Element Clickable

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Wait For Element Has Attribute

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • The web element is changed, check the associated test object.

Wait For Element Not Clickable

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Wait For Element Not Has Attribute

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • The web element is changed, check the associated test object.

Wait For Element Not Present

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile, Windows

  • Possibly unexpected change in application web element.
  • Check the test object locator.

Wait For Element Not Visible

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Wait For Element Present

Keyword type: WebUI, Mobile, Windows

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Wait For Element Visible

Keyword type: WebUI,

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Wait For Image Present

Keyword type: WebUI

  • The image not loaded on the page.

wait For JQuery Load

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Possibly application bug.
  • Check the test object locator.

Wait For Page Load

Keyword type: WebUI

  • Check your connection.
  • The server is down.
  • The page is broken.