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Load balancing for local test environments

With Katalon TestOps, your tests can be executed in parallel using load-balanced configurations.

To do so, Katalon TestOps distributes test executions over Agents to optimize remote execution efficiency. Each Agent can be configured with a unique threshold. Test executions can then be setup to minimize Agent idleness.


Configure an Agent's threshold

An Agent's threshold is the maximum number of sessions that an Agent can execute concurrently in a local test environment.

You must configure the threshold value to assign the number of jobs to an Agent.


By default, the threshold value of all Agents is set as 1.

To configure an Agent's threshold, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Katalon TestOps and go to your Project.

  2. Go to Configurations > Test Environments.

    The Test Environments page appears.

  3. Click on the local test environment you want to configure the Agent's threshold for.

    The Agent Details page appears as below.

    agent details page

  4. Update the value in the Threshold section.

  5. Click Update.

The maximum number of concurrent sessions that an Agent can execute is equal to the threshold value you have configured.

You can check the sessions in the Test Environments page.

test environment page highlight assigned sessions

Assign an Agent to execute Test Runs

For a new test plan

You can create a new test runs schedule to assign an Agent for test executions. See: Schedule Test Runs.

When creating a new test runs schedule, you are asked to select test environments. You can select an Agent here to assign it to your new test plan.

For an existing Test Plan

  1. Go to your Project > Test Execution > Test Run List.

  2. Click on a Test Run List.

    a verify match exact name page

  3. Click Edit.

    The Schedule Test Run dialog appears as below.

    highlight select test environment section

  4. Go to the Test Environments section, select a new Agent.

  5. Click Save.


You can reassign an old test run list or assign multiple new test run lists to any configured Agent.

To check the test execution process, go back to the Test Environments page.