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Create a local test environment with an Agent

A Katalon Agent manages a local server for executing the scheduled test runs in a local test environment.

Katalon TestOps supports compatible Agents for different executing environments.

Once you install the Agent in your local test machine, you have created a local test environment for test runs execution.

  • You can share the Agents among Users and Projects within a Team.

Set up an Agent


  • You have a Katalon account.

Download an Agent from Katalon TestOps

To download and install an Agent, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Katalon TestOps.
  2. Go to your Project > Configurations > Agent Setup > Local Environment.
    The Agent Setup page appears as below.
    • You use the commands in the Generate configuration and Start an agent sections when setting up an Agent in your local machine.

  3. In Select OS, choose your operating system (Windows, macOS, etc.), then click Download Agent.
    You have downloaded the Agent file (.zip file) to your computer.
  4. In the Agent Name section, create a name for the Agent (e.g., My Agent).
  5. Leave the Agent Setup page open while following the instructions to set up the Agent in your local machine.

Set up an Agent in a Windows local machine

Follow these steps:
  1. Unzip the Agent file you have downloaded.
  2. Open a new CMD window.
  3. Copy the command in the Generate configuration section on the Agent Setup page, and paste it into the CMD window, then click Enter on the keyboard to run.
  4. Copy the command in the Start an agent section, and paste it into the CMD window, then click Enter to run.
  5. Go to the Agent Setup page and click on Test Environments (in the Schedule a test run section) to see the added Local Test Environment.

Set up an Agent in a macOS local machine

To set up an Agent in a macOS local machine, do as follows:
  1. Unzip the Agent file you have downloaded.
  2. Right click on the Agent file and select New Terminal at Folder.
  3. Copy the command in the Generate configuration section on the Agent Setup page, and paste it into the Terminal, then click Enter on the keyboard to run.
    • Make sure you have enabled Terminal for Developer Tools in the Security & Privacy settings of your macOS.

  4. Copy the command in the Start an agent section, and paste it into the Terminal, then click Enter to run. Wait for a minute.
  5. Go to the Agent Setup page and click on Test Environments.

Manage the Agent status

Go to Configurations > Test Environments to check the Agent status.

You can delete an Agent by clicking on the trash bin icon. The Delete Agent box pops up.

Click Delete to confirm your action.


You cannot undo this action.

Agent Authentication

Agents use serverurl and apikey in agentconfig to:
  • Activate Katalon Runtime Engine.
  • Send test results to Katalon TestOps.

You can see the serverurl and apikey in the Generate configuration section on the Agent Setup page.

Configure proxy for Agents

You can set up proxy for the Agent in the agentconfig file, using the proxy option. For example, proxy=http://localhost:8080.