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Test automation workflow

The following is an overview of the test automation workflow with Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta), from creating your draft test cases to scheduling a test run of your Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) test suite.

Katalon Cloud Studio test automation workflow.

  1. A Katalon user, on a project, creates and test runs draft Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) test cases; and subsequently publish them to a connected Git repository using the Editor. See: Create a draft test case

  2. The user can create a new test suite and add published Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) and Katalon Studio test cases. See: Create a Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) test suite.

  3. The user can schedule a test run on the test suite powered by the Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) Local Engine. See: Schedule a Cloud Studio (Beta) test suite.

  4. Once the scheduled run of the test suite is completed, a report is automatically generated and organized in Reports > Test Runs for review and analysis. See: View your Cloud Studio (Beta) test suite report.