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Test suite collection scheduler for Katalon Studio

This document shows you how to schedule a test suite collection execution in Katalon Studio using the Test Suite Collection Scheduler plugin from the Katalon Store.

Install the test suite collection scheduler plugin

To enable Test Suite Scheduling View in Katalon Studio, you need to install the Test Suite Collection Scheduler plugin.
  1. Go to Katalon Store and install this plugin: Test Suite Collection Scheduler.
  2. Open Katalon Studio and go to Account > Reload Plugins
The test suite collection scheduler plugin is installed successfully.

Schedule a test suite collection execution

After you have installed the Test Suite Collection Scheduler plugin, you can now schedule your test suite collection in Katalon Studio. Do as follows:
  1. Open a test suite collection.
  2. Expand Test Suite Scheduling View.
    test suite scheduling view
  3. Input the time that you want to schedule for the next run.
  4. Click Schedule.
    A new test run is scheduled. The Next run field contains the date of the upcoming execution of this test suite collection. You need to keep Katalon Studio open until the time you scheduled.

    success message

  5. Optional: To reschedule, input a new time and click Schedule again.
    You can only schedule one test run at a time, so the new time overrides the previous one that you scheduled.

    info message

When the schedule time comes, Katalon Studio automatically triggers the test run. You can see the detailed information of this schedule event in the Event Log.

event log