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[WebUI] Verify Option Not Selected By Index


Verify if the options at the given indices are not selected.


  • to - TestObject (required): represent a web element
  • range - Object (required): the indexes of the options to be verified if not being selected
  • isRegex - boolean (required): true if the label is a regular expression, false by default
  • timeOut - int (required): system will wait at most timeout (seconds) to return result

  • flowControl - FailureHandling (optional): specify failure handling schema to determine whether the execution should be allowed to continue or stop. More details are here.


  • true: if all options at given indices are not selected
  • false: if options at given indices are selected

Example: You want to verify if the option 1 in the list is not selected in 5s timeout



WebUI.verifyOptionNotSelectedByIndex(findTestObject('The Second Landing Page/select_js-intent'), 1, 5)