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[WS] Validate an XML string against a schema


  • Katalon Studio version 8.4.0 onwards.


Validate an XML response body, request body, or string against an XML schema. The XML schema input can be an XML string, URL, or file path.

Keyword name: WS.validateXmlAgainstSchema


Validate an XML Object against an XML Schema

ParameterParameter TypeMandatoryDescription
xmlObjectStringRequiredSpecify the XML object that needs to be validated.
xmlSchemaStringRequiredSpecify the XML schema used to validate the XML object.
flowControlFailureHandlingOptionalSpecify failure handling schema to determine whether the execution should be allowed to continue or stop.

Validate the Response against an XML Schema

ParameterParameter TypeMandatoryDescription
responseResponseObjectRequiredSpecify the response object that needs to be validated.
xmlSchemaStringRequiredSpecify the XML schema used to validate the response object.
flowControlFailureHandlingOptionalSpecify failure handling schema to determine whether the execution should be allowed to continue or stop.


Parameter TypeDescription
  • true: the response passes the validation.
  • false: the response doesn't pass the validation.
  • If Katalon Studio cannot find the schema file or the response doesn't pass the validation, throw: StepFailedException.


res = WS.sendRequest(findTestObject('XML'))

String xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<username>James Johnson</username>

String xmlFile = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("example/xml/person.xml"));

WS.validateXmlAgainstSchema(res, "example/xml/person.xsd");
WS.validateXmlAgainstSchema(xml, "example/xml/person.xsd");
WS.validateXmlAgainstSchema(xmlFile, "http://localhost:8080/api/users/xsd", FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE);