[WebUI] Take Element Screenshot As Checkpoint
From version 7.7.0, this keyword is available.
- Description: Take a screenshot of a specific web element to send to TestOps Vision. The captured image will be saved in '.png' format and stored in the 'keyes' folder in the report folder.
- Keyword name: takeElementScreenshotAsCheckpoint
- Keyword syntax:
WebUI.takeElementScreenshotAsCheckpoint(checkpointName, to, flowControl)
Name: checkpointName
- Description: A String that represents the name of the image on TestOps Vision. On a local machine, this name will be appended with TestOps Vision prefix('keyes-').
- Parameter Type: String
- Mandatory: Required
Name: to
- Description: TestObject which represents the element you want to take screenshot.
- Parameter Type: TestObject
- Mandatory: Required
Name: flowControl
- Description: Specify failure handling schema to determine whether the execution should be allowed to continue or stop.
- Parameter Type: FailureHandling
- Mandatory: Optional
- Examples:
You want to take a screenshot of an element that you have captured by using Katalon Spy Utility and stored in Test Object > UI > logo for TestOps Vision. The checkpoint's name is 'logo'. Default failure handling is used:
import static com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ObjectRepository.findTestObject
WebUI.takeElementScreenshotAsCheckpoint('logo', findTestObject('UI/logo'))You want to take a screenshot of a Test Object stored in a variable named 'header' for TestOps Vision. Set the checkpointName to 'header':
import static com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ObjectRepository.findTestObject
// where ignoredElements is a user-defined List-typed variable.
WebUI.takeElementScreenshotAsCheckpoint('header', header)