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Value types in Katalon Studio

While designing automation tests in Katalon Studio, you might need to configure data for certain test steps, such as:

  • Pass input parameters to a test step.
  • Get the output value from a test step.

You can select from a wide range of value types supported by Katalon Studio as below:

Value TypeDescription
ConstantThe data is a value that will not change over time.
VariableThe data is a value that might be changed during execution. This type of data can only be referred to within the scope of the test case where it is defined.
Global VariableThe data is a value that might be changed during execution. This type of data can be referred to anywhere in the project.
Test Data ValueThe data is a value coming from a test data file.
BinaryThe data is a binary expression.
BooleanThe data is a Boolean value that can be evaluated from a Boolean expression.
Test CaseThe data is a test case.
Test DataThe data is a test data file.
Test ObjectThe data is a test object.
Method CallThe data is a method call.
PropertyThe data is a public property value of an object.
ListThe data is a list of values.
DictionaryThe data is a collection of keys and values.
NumberThis is a numeric value of which data type can be short, long, integer, double, float, byte.

This list describes how to provide data for each data type:

Value TypeHow to provide value for the property?
  • String
  • Integer

Enter value directly into the Value cell.

  • Variable
  • Global Variable

Select preferred option from the Value drop-down list.


Select preferred option from the Value drop-down list.

  • Click on the Value cell.
  • The List Property Builder displays.

  • Add new properties to the list, then click OK to save.

  • The defined values are added in the Value cell:

  • Click on the Value cell.
  • The Dictionary Property Builder displays.

  • Add new properties to the list, then click OK to save.

  • The defined values are added in the Value cell:

Enter value directly into the Value cell.